MCCA At Work

Church Schools

Education is a lifelong process, beginning at birth and ending with the grave.  The ministry of the Church School is to guide the Christian education of persons from childhood and into the adult years.  The aim is not simply to offer information but using the Bible as the basis of instruction to enable the transformation of lives and society through Christian education.  In the MCCA what were once called "Sunday Schools" are now called Church Schools, which should cater to the needs of not only children and young people, but to all members of the Church irrespective of age.

The Church School is the cradle of the Church as it is here that the intentional Christian formation of individuals will occur in the Church.  Each Church School is the responsibility of a Congregation, and the Congregation will see to ensuring that the Church School has the resources to carry out its responsibility.  The ministry of the Church School is vitally important to the life, work and growth of the Church.

Please check the RESOURCES section to see which of the Church School materials from our own ‘Growing in Fullness’ series are available from the Connexional Office.

MCCA Youth


MCCA Women

MCCA Women is the umbrella organization for all women’s groups and organizations in the MCCA.  All female members of the Connexion are members of MCCA Women. MCCA Women represents the interests of all women in the MCCA at the Connexional level.  MCCA Women is a constituent part of the Connexion and aims to enable women to deepen their personal commitment to Jesus and to foster fellowship among the women of the Conference Area.  The motto, “In service for Christ,” encourages the women of the MCCA to serve God by ministering to the needs of all.

MCCA Women convened its first Assembly in 1980 at Codrington College in Barbados. MCCA women convenes an Assembly every five years in a different District.  They also convene a Regional Seminar every five years.

MCCA Women is a unit of the North America Area, which is one nine areas of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women (WFMUCW), an affiliated member of the World Methodist Council. The WFMUCW brings together the women’s groupings from Methodist Churches and Churches from the Wesleyan tradition around the world.

Every year, on the fourth Lord’s Day (Sunday) in June, the women celebrate MCCA Women’s Lord’s Day throughout the Connexion.

The first President of MCCA Women was Professor Barbara Bailey, and the current President is Sis. Jennifer Smith of the Belize/Honduras District.  A new executive is elected at each Quinquennial Assembly.


Information to be provided.

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