MCCA New Vice President - Ms Lilieth Deacon inducted by immediate Past Vice President Dr. Hubert Morquette.

Miss Lilieth C. Deacon was elected Vice President of the MCCA, on Saturday May 25th, 2024.  Miss Deacon is a Jamaican who hails from the rural district of John’s Hall in the hills of Clarendon and the Frankfield Methodist Circuit. She has been an accredited Methodist Local Preacher for over 30 years, chorister-extraordinaire, and a strong woman in her faith walk with God. She has given committed and dedicated service to the local church in various capacities.

She is a past student of Edwin Allen High School, and the Excelsior High School – a Methodist educational institution, which she now serves as Chairperson.

An Attorney-at-Law of Deacon and Associates, Deacon studied Law at the Cave Hill Campus of The University of the West Indies (UWI) and the Norman Manley Law School, Jamaica (where she now lectures). She was called to the Jamaican Bar in 1986.

Her induction to the office of Vice President was done during the Closing Service of Conference, on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at the Providence Methodist Church, Kingston, Jamaica.